Saturday, September 1, 2012

HIVE of Planet-Loving Activity

“HIVE of Planet-Loving Activity”

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Responds to Bill McKibben’s Message


·      Cover letter from Jerry Lee Miller to Bill McKibben and
·      HIVE Action Projects (distilled from our 44 Concept Sheets)
·      Group Process (and Theme Posters)
·      Our 44 Illustrated Concept Sheets
·      Initial “Wish Brainstorming” Idea Lists (prior to writing Concept Sheets)


HIVE participants produced 44 illustrated concepts for “Earth-Loving Activity” in Lancaster (See Group Process.) Our last step before planning action was to nominate eight concepts or clusters of concepts that we felt would be most compelling to implement. We selected action teams and scheduled some meetings. 

  • Concept #1, Fossil Fuel Free Festival: A festival of artists, musicians, storytelling, dance -- weekend at various Lancaster venues.
  • Concept # 34, Climate Change Cantata: Combine already written songs (about Susquehanna, fracking, etc) and do history or have a story line about climate change. This "show" could be performed throughout Lancaster or at schools, with a handout of practical ideas to the audience.
  • Team: Jerry, Tovie, Paul, Kevin -- Jerry will schedule a meeting.

Jerry Lee Miller playing flute at an open mic event. He is passionate about moving the public to action through the arts.

  • Concept # 44, Guerrilla Gardening/ Seed Swaps/ Seed Savings: Grow food everywhere. Do vertical gardening in apartments/houses in city and use every space possible to grow food. Reconnects us to nature in the city while taking back our empowerment from corporate mega-markets, and reduces waste. Organize seed swaps to create variety and contact in community.
  • Concept # 27, Rush on Organic Foods: Create a rush on buying all organic foods off the shelves at one Giant supermarket in Lancaster. Choose one day and orchestrate with up to 100 people + so by day's end these shelves are empty. Repeat this action 2 or 3 times at different Giants in the area. Wrap it up with a media story about organics.
  • Team: Kate, Brandon, Tom

  • Concept #21, Prayer Circle Turns Climate Change Flash Mob: Prayer Circle of 500 people in Brunswick Square downtown Lancaster, to draw awareness to climate change. Staged for 3 to 5 hours. Once each hour everyone does a flash mob dance to appropriate songs and then goes back to sending out prayers. Bring chairs and signs. Arrange chairs in concentric circles. Advance sign-up.
  • Concept # 13, It's Our Kids' Planet: Spread the spirit of saving the planet in a way that touches people -- e.g., it's our kids' planet. This could be done with art contests, music, festivals, etc.
  • Concept #29, Lancaster County Religious Leaders: Engage and educate the religious community of Lancaster County regarding the urgency to preach, pray and practice climate change awareness.
Jerry Lee Miller ministers through music in his church
  • Concept #2, St. John's Letters to the Earth: Interest St. John's in becoming advocates for anti-fracking and  MDGs. Form groups around each cause identified. Create a book of art, stories, St. John's Letters to the Earth.
  • Team: Jerry, Spencer, Tom, Deb, Paul
Toys, art, food, music, dance & creativity exercises help groups to invent and move to action. These eight concepts are still in a rough beginning stage. Project Teams will meet to discuss what they actually plan to do, and the eight concepts will evolve. Each Project Team may expand or shrink. The full HIVE will review each team’s progress and offer support.

  • Concept #36, KickStart a Billboard!: Design billboards. Have a group vote on designs. Put it on KickStarter to fund it.
  • Concept #17, Buy a Radio Station: Buy a radio station and only report news that isn't reported by the mainstream media.
  • Concept #42, Create a HIVE of Planet Loving Activity e-Book: "How to Make Lancaster, PA and Your Community into a HIVE of Planet Loving Activity." Make all these concepts into a Kindle e-book.
  • Team: Kate, Kesse

  • Concept #20, Citizens' Climate Lobby: Initiate a Citizens' Climate Lobby group in Lancaster for Fee & Dividend legislation. Empowerment, democratic involvement, united action.
Steve Izzo is involved in the Citizen’s Climate Lobby and would like to start a chapter in Lancaster to promote Fee & Dividend legislation.
  • Concept #18, If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who?: Mass media campaign to publicize urgency of climate crisis. Unite Hollywood and musicians (Musicians United for Safe Energy -- Jackson Brown, etc) to fund and to raise grass roots action to influence policy makers. Use celebrity magnetism.
  • Concept #39, Develop Bill McKibben/ Relationship: The time is ripe and McKibben has the nation's ear. Let's amplify his message and develop a synergy between and the HIVE.
  • Team will meet Sunday Aug 26, 5:30pm: Jerry, Spencer, Steve, Kevin, Tovie(?)

  • Concept #19, Susquehanna Smiles: Susquehanna River Awareness Walk -- come to the river at a time of crisis. The Susquehanna smiles as inhabitants flock to her banks. Banners costumes, long-term walk along prime locations of the river in designated locations -- ceremonial activities -- healing activities.
  • Concept #26, Creating Community in the Forest: Encourage local residents to spend time in a wooded environment, promoting appreciation, stewardship and humor.
  • Team: Sarah H., Kesse, Tovie, Deb
Sarah Henry (4th from left) is organizing a Susquehanna River Walk at a time when our river is in crisis.

  • Concept #38, Electric Car Project: (to be planned with Brandon Hollinger's Leadership.)
  • Concept #35, Wind Turbine; Solar Array: Get a vote on the city government ballot to buy, create and make it happen -- bond to pay for it rather than raising property taxes.
Brandon Hollinger has been converting internal combustion engine cars into electric cars for years.
  • Concept #37, Recycle for Life!: Huge recycling festival to raise awareness of the importance of recycling to sustaining the economy. Art contest from recycled materials. Fill a huge object with clean recyclables. Recycled object companies come and share their wares.
  • Team: Brandon, Kesse, Tom, Steve, Spencer

  • Concept #32, Soccer on a Parched Field: Speakers' Bureau -- Contact women's organizations and educational institutions, to raise awareness about the urgency of the climate crisis. Women sense urgency better and connect to safety of their families. Counter the deniers' position.
  • Concept #29, Lancaster County Religious Leaders: Engage and educate the religious community of Lancaster County regarding the urgency to preach, pray and practice climate change awareness.
  • Concept #22, Magic School Bus: Local high schools/ colleges take 1,000 people by bus to discuss environmental concerns -- organizations led by students and concerned individuals -- speakers/ presentations about relative problems.
  • Concept #13, It's Our Kids' Planet: Spread the spirit of saving the planet in a way that touches people -- e.g., it's our kids' planet. This could be done with art contests, music, festivals, etc.
  • Concept #6, Home School After School: Develop home school or after school program about climate change, fracking, gardening, non-violent civil disobedience, etc. Show the movie "Gasland" to core group of teachers, one or more with K-12 certificates. Kids write climate songs and poems.
  • Concept #2, St. John's Letters to the Earth: Interest St. John's in becoming advocates for anti-fracking and  MDGs. Form Groups around each cause identified. Create a book of art, stories, St. John's Letters to the Earth.
  • Team: Susan, Kevin, Jerry, Steve (possible initial conversation Sunday evening Aug 26?) 

Project Teams, your project definition is still evolving. Resist the temptation to interpret your concept cluster literally. It belongs to you. Let it evolve and change according to what will work and have the most impact in the real world. Be creative in your approach to developing your project. Bring in additional team members, if it's appropriate. Expand your project, shrink it, or change it as needed.

Courage! Creativity! Compassion

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